It has been unusually warm in our little corner of the world, so we have been trying to coax the boys to spend as much time outside as possible. Of course, when water guns are involved, I didn't need to twist any arms. Actually, it was my arm that needed to be twisted. Being the perennial worrier that I am, I was concerned that being wet outside could only be bad for AJ's asthma and Gordy's recovery from his cough. Yeah... I know... you can all roll your eyes now. My husband trumped me. He DID roll his eyes and told me that as hot as it was getting, the boys would dry between refills on their guns (he was right), so I dutifully pulled out the guns and filled them up.
Of course, this reminded me of the Super Soaker wars that my brother, sister and I used to have in our back yard in the Summers we were growing up. Does anyone remember the Super Soaker 5000? It was the MUST HAVE water gun for us. When we got it it was like being handed the Holy Grail. We treated it reverently...for like 2 minutes, then we fought over it for the next 2 months.
This also made me nostalgic for other water toys from my childhood. Wading pools, garden sprinklers, the Skip-It like water bomb that would randomly explode after so many skips, and, of course, the Slip N Slide! When and if we do move and buy a house, I can foresee a definite return of nostalgic water toys that first summer!
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